The area of new reed where we cleared the dead reed during the winter is progressing well and should be good and thick this year. There is already a sedge warbler dodging in and out of the old stand of last years reed so hopefully it is building a nest and will soon be bringing up a family; provided our resident cuckoo (who arrived on April 12th this year, a week earlier than usual) doesn't spot the nest. So far I have only heard the male cuckoo but that is not to say that there will be a mate somewhere around.
I saw the first large red damselfly of the year on Monday and very splendid it was in it's fresh bright colours.
I have also found good numbers of orange tip eggs on the lady's smock and there are plenty of females around alighting on the flower heads. Green veined whites are also abundant.

The answer to last times quiz is still un-answered so I will give you all a little longer to have a guess. Go for it Roger if you have an idea. When this is solved I have another ready.