Monday 17 March 2014

Monolith trees at the Knapp

The Roving volunteers were working in the orchard at the Knapp and Papermill last  week.

Yesterday we planted four apple replacement trees in the orchard: two bramley and two Annie Elizabeth (named after Darwin’s daughter) – the varieties that are there already.

We have lost 2 trees to the storms this year and one was damaged in last year’s storms by a fallen ash. The 2 windblown apples were good and solid so we decided to prop them up to provide good quality deadwood for noble chafers, fungi and invertebrates in general. Upright trees get more direct sunlight so are warmer and generally less damp than log piles - providing a different type of deadwood habitat. The trees were secured in place using plain wire and are attached to fence strainers. They will be monitored for stability.

The volunteer group meets every Thursday at the Knapp and Papermill. For more information contact Naomi. 

James, Central Reserve Officer


  1. Hi James

    I was wondering could the dead trees you leave standing in the orchard harbour and spread disease to the other fruit trees?

    Do you happen to know of any research regarding the benefits of dead wood in an orchard, as monoliths and wood piles?

    Thank you for the great work you are doing.

    Thank you and congratulations on your work.

  2. Hi Paul

    Thanks for commenting.

    I'm not sure there is a detailed specific study comparing the two but I have seen papers in the past relating to the value of monoliths; but nothing I can put my hand on at the moment. There may be online journals but unfortunately I don't have access to them.

    Here at the Trust we're working from general orchard management guidance and veteran tree management practices.

    Hope that helps!
